Is Arsenic toxic to dogs?

Our question this week was:

Dr. Debra – I just saw a show on TV talking about the history of arsenic and the toxicity in people. Does it also affect dogs?


William Z.


Hi – thanks for your email. You wrote asking if arsenic is toxic to dogs. The answer is yes. In fact – just about anything that is toxic to people is toxic to dogs. In addition, there are some drugs and foods safe for people that are also toxic to dogs. That is why it is not safe to give your dog ANYTHING without the recommendation of your veterinarian.

Arsenic toxicity most commonly occurred in pets due to ingestion of insect traps. However, since the late 1980’s, arsenic is not that commonly used in insect traps so toxicity is less common. Signs of arsenic toxicity in dogs are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

An article that might be helpful to you is Top 10 Pet Poisons and Toxicities.

Best of luck!

Dr. Debra

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