What type of environment does my pregnant poodle need?

Our question this week was:

My poodle is pregnant and I was wondering if you could tell me the type of environment she needs and if I need to give her any help during the labor and if I need to switch her food or anything.


If your poodle is pregnant, you need to make sure she is eating a good quality diet for pregnant dogs. As she come close to her due date, you should watch her closely and make a whelping box. You should only provide help during labor if she needs it. I'd recommend that you have her examined by your veterinarian prior to delivery to help determine if she has any additional needs and how many puppies she has.

These articles might be helpful to you:

Feeding the Pregnant Dog

Pregnancy in Dogs

Normal Labor & Delivery in the Dog

Pregnancy, Birthing & Newborn Puppy Care

Best of luck!

Dr. Debra

Our question this week came from Brooke, in Tarboro,North Carolina.

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