dogs urine smells bad

Why does my dog’s urine smell bad and he is urinating in the house?

Our question this week was:

*I have a pit bull part American bull dog almost 2-years-old and he has suddenly started peeing every where. His pee smells soooo bad kind of garlicky. I don’t know what to do. I can’t get the smell out. I am worried he might have a bladder infection. But at the moment I don’t have the money to take him to the vet. I would if I could. Is this normal for male dog, I have a male golden retriever who is 3 1/2 but is not doing this.

*Diana D.


Hi – thanks for your email, Diana. I’m worried your dog has a urinary tract infection. The best thing for him is to take him to your veterinarian for treatment. It can be diagnosed with a urine test and is generally treated with antibiotics. There is not much you can do at home. Make sure he has plenty of water to drink and plenty of opportunities to go out. You may want to call you local vets and humane society and see what their prices are, and see if any of them will “bill” you.

An article that might be helpful to you is Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs.

Best of luck!

Dr. Debra

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