Dog in Turkey Hat at Thanksgiving.

Cute Videos to Watch When Avoiding Relatives This Thanksgiving

Distract yourself from the Thanksgiving pawty poopers by watching these videos instead!


We wish this was our baby dog.

2. @suzu_usa.a1211

He doesn’t give a hoot if you want to stop.

3. @kinkuma_no_mogu_dayo

Sometimes, you just need a little help.

4. @themagicofpet

Small umbrella, big heart.

5. @charlieandbodie

Little brothers can be good for something.

6. @concerningparrots

He’s certainly bringing light into our lives.

7. @nekonimocats

When you want to cause chaos, but not like that.

8. @themagicofpet

Baby ducks + baby dogs = magic

9. @rinthegalah

Birds of a feather stick together!

10. @thislittlepiggyusa

He was really looking forward to some pigtails.

11. @ladyandtheblues

Boop queen.

12. @raccoon.ceu

He’s on a roll.


Everybunny stay calm.

14. @lovelyparrots_

Wiggle wiggle.

15. @thelifeofbobthebeagle

When you’re not ready to go to another family gathering.