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PetPlace: Pet Of The Month Contest Winners

Welcome to our Pet of the Month Page!

We love celebrating all our amazing pets at Every month we highlight our Pet of the Month Contest Winner. Voting for the Pet of the Month occurs throughout the last week of every month on our Facebook page. If you think your pet has a great story, is super cute, or is just super sweet, let us know and nominate him/her for the Pet of the Month! Please visit us on our Facebook page with information about your pet along with cute pictures! See below for our October Pet of the Month contest winner. Meet Lola!

Name: Lola

Breed: American Cocker Spaniel

Age: We don’t know exactly how old Lola is. We adopted her at age two, which would make her roughly nine. We’ll just say she’s timeless!

Nicknames: Lolly, Lollerskates, and Cutesy Face Puppsie Pants are some of our favorite nicknames for Lola.

Things I love to do: Sleep (and snore!), go for long walks, play with tennis balls, and sneak food from the table. Most recently, I gobbled up some homemade chicken pot pie when nobody was looking. I also love to cuddle, chase squirrels, and run, run, run!

Things I hate to do: BATHTIME.

Favorite treat: Pizza, especially if it’s acquired in an illegal manner. (See pot pie story above.)

Favorite toy: Tennis balls, without a doubt. I love to chew on them, chase them, and toss them behind the couch so I can bark at them.

BFF: My very best friends are my humans, Karl and Alauna. They are my forever home and we share lots of love every day. And also, Sassy the Cat.

Congratulations to Lola!