How to Make a First-Aid Kit For Your Horse

No matter how watchful you are or how well the barn is managed, the unexpected sometimes happens. If an emergency does arise, you'll be in much better shape to help your horse if you've got a well-stocked first-aid kit on hand.

"Keep the items in an accessible place, such as next to your horse's tack, and store them in sturdy covered containers," suggests Rhonda Rathgeber, an equine veterinarian in Lexington, Ky. "Be sure you can get to it easily during an emergency. The last thing you need when you're in a panic situation is not to be able to find your first-aid kit."

You can buy a pre-assembled first-aid kit at a tack shop, but if you do, you'll probably want to add a few extra items of your own, just to make sure you're covered for emergencies. You also can assemble your own first-aid kit. Many of the items you will need can be found at grocery stores, drugstores and feed stores.

Put all your supplies in a covered plastic storage container, plastic file box with a handle, or in a medium-sized toolbox. Make your first-aid kit portable so that you can carry it easily in case you need to evacuate your barn during an emergency or for when you're on the road traveling to horse shows or other events.

Key Items for Your First-Aid Kit

No one wants to face an emergency. But when it comes to the well-being of your horse, it's always best to take precautions in advance – and be prepared for the unexpected.