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Having Fun with Your Sugar Glider

If it involves jumping, swinging, clinging or high-rise acrobatics, chances are your sugar glider will think it’s fun. And when your sugar glider is having fun, you’ll have fun watching his entertaining antics.

“They’re like miniature monkeys,” says Sharon Massena, a sugar glider breeder and owner of Massena’s Menagerie in Auburn, Wash. “A lot of people just like to love them and pet them, or just watch them jump from thing to thing. If you hold them up, they’ll fly down to the floor or whatever is below them. Gliding is a lot of fun for them.”

Cat toys make favorite sugar glider accoutrements. So do ropes on which they can climb. Massena knows one sugar glider owner who has converted her living room into a sugar glider jungle gym, with ropes of varying lengths hanging from the ceiling, carpeted ledges for landing on and cat scratching posts and balls on the floor for ground-level play.

Bird toys such as branches or small swings also spice up a sugar glider’s playtime. “Anything a small parrot would use, a sugar glider will love,” Massena says.

One of the best ways to have fun with your sugar glider is simply to open up your coat or shirt pocket and invite the little fella to crawl in and spend the day. Being noctural animals, they tend to sleep all day. “Some people take them to work with them,” says Massena. “I’ve taken mine to the bank with me, and people don’t even know he’s there.”

Tips for Enjoying Your Sugar Glider