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Keeping Your Guinea Pig Healthy

A healthy guinea pig’s eyes are bright and clear with no sign of cloudiness. His nose should also be clear and his hair shiny and clean, even under his rump. His body should be plump but not obese. Healthy guinea pigs are timid by nature but respond well to a firm human touch. As long as you hold your guinea pig properly – close to your body, with one hand underneath supporting his body weight and the other securing his back – he should seem calm and friendly.

Your guinea pig’s sense of smell is several times better than your own so he will soon come to recognize your scent. The more time you spend with your guinea pig the better: Well-handled babies (called “puppies” or “pups”) can become exceptionally tame adults. If you handle your guinea pig every day you are more likely to notice any early signs of health problems. You will notice if your guinea pig becomes listless or loses his appetite – the two most common signs of illness.

Keeping your guinea pig happy and healthy is relatively simple. It’s always better to take preventative steps rather than to face illness, veterinary expenses, and even death. If you carefully follow these recommendations, your guinea pig is likely to have a long and healthy life.

Five Things To Do

Alfalfa pellets that are specially formulated for guinea pigs provide the missing vitamin, but owners should be wary that the supplement loses its potency as the pellets age. If the food has been on the shelf for more than 30 days, it has probably lost its punch.