rehoming puppies

What You Need to Know About Rehoming Puppies

Owning a puppy is a big commitment. And while puppies may seem like a good idea at the time, you may come to learn that you are actually getting more than you bargained for. If you got a new puppy only to find that it isn’t working out, rehoming may be the solution. Rehoming puppies happens for many reasons. Here are the top 5 reasons for rehoming puppies:

There are many reasons you could be looking to rehome a puppy. Whatever the reason, you’ll be happy to know that there are good homes out there with good people who are looking for rehomed puppies. All you have to do is make the right connection.

No doubt you want to ensure that your puppy goes to a good home, so there are several steps you can take when rehoming puppies to ensure a good match. Here are a few things to look for:

Rehoming Puppies

Rehoming a puppy is easier than rehoming a dog. Since the puppy has not spent as much time in your home it will be easier for him to adapt to a new home life with a new family.

A rehomed puppy is more desirable when it is spayed or neutered, and when all of its vaccinations are up to date. By taking care of these things up front, you will increase your chances of being able to find a good home for your puppy.

When looking for a new home for your puppy, start with your inner circle. Speak to friends and family members, neighbor and co-workers. Maybe someone you know would be willing to take the puppy.

Talk to the breeder or the person you bought the puppy from – often times they will be able to help place the puppy in a new home. Talk to your veterinarian. He or she may know of someone who is interested in adopting a new puppy.

If you are still unable to find a new home for your puppy, it’s time to advertise. Make some flyers with a good photo of your puppy. Tell your puppy’s story – what is it about your puppy that makes him special? Describe your puppy’s physical characteristics as well as his personality. Is your puppy good with other household pets? Does your puppy love children? Give as much information as possible to increase your chances of making a connection. Post the flyers in high-traffic areas, like the supermarket, your veterinarian’s office, at work or at school.

Don’t forget about the power of social media. Use your social media accounts to reach out to others. Post your puppy’s photo or a great video, and tell his story. Ask your connections to share the information on their social streams. Look for adoption websites where you can advertise. Ask your local shelter if they have a website where you can post your puppy’s information, or see if they have a newsletter.

Rehoming your puppy to a stranger can be a little daunting. After all, how can you be sure that you are sending your puppy to a good, loving home? When rehoming puppies, it’s good to take some precautions. Ask the right questions to find out if the potential new owner is ready, willing and able to care for your puppy. It’s okay to ask potential owners to fill out an application, and it’s okay for you to ask to see their home before making your decision.

It’s also okay to ask for a rehoming fee.

A rehoming fee can help you to find a new adoptive parent with the financial resources to care for your puppy. If they are willing to pay a rehoming fee, they are more committed to owning a puppy. You’ll know they are truly interested. Also, giving away a puppy for free may mean an uncertain future for the puppy. There are people who don’t really have the time or the resources to care for a puppy. And there are unscrupulous people out there who train dogs to fight. They are looking for other small animals to use as bait. You don’t want your puppy to wind up in the hands of someone like that.

For more information about rehoming, go to Rehoming – Giving up a Pet – What Are Your Options?