can dogs eat oranges

Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

Dog owners commonly ponder about the toxicity of foods. The questions about the safety of different foods increased after learning that certain foods were toxic that led to a lot of press coverage. The most important toxic foods are Grapes and Raisins, Chocolate, and Peanut Butter.

Exposure to the dangers of these foods have encouraged pet owners to ask about other human foods such as can dogs eat oranges. Learn more about what dogs can and can’t eat in this article: The Ultimate Guide to What Dogs Can’t Eat.

Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

An orange is a round, oblong or spherical shaped fruit grown from an orange tree which is a kind of evergreen tree. It is not considered a wild fruit but a domesticated cross between a pomelo and a mandarin orange. The orange has a thick green skin (when not ripe) or orange skin (when ripe). The inner fruit has a white tissue that encapsulates inner segments called carpels. Each carpel is segmented by a membrane with each containing the sweet fruit and seeds.

There are many types of orange with the most common orange being the sweet orange, also known as Citrus sinensis. Oranges originated from China and are now grown in many tropical and subtropical climates with Brazil, China and India being the biggest orange producers.

The answer to the question, “can dogs eat Oranges”… the answer is yes. They can also eat tangerines and clementines. Dogs can eat oranges but in moderation. Dogs frequently love the soft moist texture and many enjoy this as a healthy snack. Oranges are a good source of Vitamin C, potassium, thiamine, and folate.

Oranges are very high in sugar and as with any food can cause gastrointestinal upset in some dogs. What may not bother one dog may cause problems in a different dog. The same can happen in people. Some foods can bother one person but not another.

The Dangers of Oranges to Dogs

Ingestion of large amounts of oranges can cause gastrointestinal upset. Ingestion of orange peels can cause gastrointestinal obstruction. The peels are very difficult to ingest. Signs of problems include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, abdominal pain, straining to defecate, and/or a decreased appetite.

The other danger of oranges to dogs is the danger of choking – especially when a small dog eats a large section of orange or when any dog tries to eat the peel. Some dogs are not good at “chewing” their food and the danger of choking can occur.

SPECIAL ALERT: Please be careful if your dog eats anything orange flavored that contains the sweetener xylitol. This can be an ingredient in diet or low calorie pastries, especially those created for people with diabetes. Learn more about Xylitol Toxicity in Dogs.

Do Dogs Need Oranges?

There is nothing in oranges that dogs require on a regular basis. What dogs do need is a high quality AAFCO approved dog food. Learn more about Nutrition in Dogs.

The Safest Way to Give Oranges to Dogs

The safest way to give some orange to your dog is to give small pieces of peeled fresh orange without the seeds. Dogs should never be fed the orange peel.

How Much Orange Can You Give a Dog?

Approximately 1/3 of an orange is plenty to give a small dog, a half for a medium-sized dog and an entire orange for a large dog.

Can Dogs Have Orange Juice?

Dogs can have orange juice in small amounts but it can cause gastrointestinal upset in some dogs. The acidity can bother some dogs more than others.