small bumps on dog

What Small Bumps on Dogs Can Mean

Small bumps on dogs are very common and can be a concern to pet parents. A skin bump is also referred to as mass, lump, growth, or tumor and these terms are often used interchangeably. Sometimes small skin bumps are felt during routine grooming or petting at home or can be found by groomers during bathing and grooming.

The concern is that a small bump on a dog could be cancer. Small bumps on dogs can be on the skin or under the skin. A small bump on a dog can something caught in the hair, a tick, insect bite, scab, puncture, blister, abscess, cyst, pimple to a small benign mass, or a malignant tumor.

Below is a list of some of the common possible causes for a small skin bump on a dog:

How to Determine the Cause of a Small Lump on a Dog

Photo Legend: This photo is of a 9-year-old dog with two small skin lumps on his side which is shaved. It was impossible to tell what type of small lumps they were without submitting tissue samples to the laboratory. The report came back that these two small lumps were aggressive canine mast cell tumors which is a type of skin cancer.

If your dog has a small lump, the best way to help determine the underlying cause is to closely examine the lump. Many times shaving the hair around that area is a big help to allow you to examine the area of focus. This may be best done with the help of your veterinarian. Your veterinarian may perform the following:

Common Small Bumps on Dogs:

Here are links to information about some common small bumps on dogs:

We hope this article helps you better understand the causes of some small lumps in dogs.

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