A white cat with two different-colored eyes and a purple heart-shaped name tag.

Uncommon Cat Names

Are you planning to adopt, but can’t think of a unique, uncommon, or unusual name for your new cat or kitten?

Picking out a great cat name can be tough. After all, there are so many potential options out there.

The following is a list of some unique names for cats of any age, color, and temperament. Scroll down for inspired female cat names, male cat names, and more unique cat names. We’re sure you’ll find a name you love.

Best Unique Cat Names

  1. Aristophanes
  2. Aristotle
  3. Arizona
  4. Attitude
  5. Austin
  6. Awesome
  7. Bandit
  8. Beauregard
  9. Danger
  10. Monarch
  11. Monday
  12. Moneypenny
  13. Sapphire
  14. Tundra

Top Uncommon Cat Names for Boys

  1. Ad-Rock
  2. Ajax
  3. Alexander the Great
  4. Angus
  5. Anxiety Wrap
  6. Arbie
  7. Archemedes
  8. AskHim
  9. Aspirin
  10. Asthma
  11. Ateret
  12. Azrael
  13. Baba Booey
  14. Balthazar
  15. Bedsocks
  16. Bee-Bee
  17. Berkley
  18. Bernardo
  19. Beta
  20. Cozmo
  21. Crawford
  22. Cricket (she chirps)
  23. Crimson
  24. Curley
  25. Cuy
  26. Dara
  27. Dargo
  28. Darin
  29. Darth Vader
  30. Dash
  31. Davidson
  32. Deja
  33. Delphyne
  34. Derbyshier
  35. Draino
  36. Dreifach
  37. Drexel
  38. Dublin
  39. Dudl
  40. Dundee
  41. Dunkin
  42. Duntada
  43. Easton
  44. Eastwood
  45. Echo
  46. Eclipse
  47. Faulk
  48. Fenster
  49. Fever
  50. Fibb
  51. Foxburg
  52. Franic
  53. Frank
  54. Frankie-Blueeyes
  55. Frats
  56. Gadu
  57. Gala
  58. Garage Boy
  59. Glasses Diddle Doodle
  60. Glory
  61. Golly Gee
  62. Granite
  63. Grayson
  64. Green Greenie
  65. Heckle
  66. Herbie
  67. Hercules
  68. Heshel
  69. Highway
  70. Hiho
  71. Hikari
  72. Hipster
  73. Homer
  74. Honda
  75. Hood
  76. Hooter
  77. Hoover
  78. Huck
  79. Huckleberry
  80. Huggie Bear
  81. Icabaud
  82. Idayia
  83. Ignorance
  84. Indy
  85. Ireland
  86. Isaiah
  87. Ivan
  88. Jacques Pierre
  89. Jada
  90. Jay
  91. Jellybean
  92. Jeppetto
  93. Jerry
  94. Jeter
  95. Jib
  96. Kit Kat
  97. Marvel
  98. Miko
  99. Mishka
  100. Mitts
  101. Moe
  102. Moe Mojo
  103. Mojo Jojo
  104. Mokey Bob
  105. Moku
  106. Momster Meister
  107. Monet
  108. Monkeyjoe
  109. Moody Blue
  110. Morpheus
  111. Mosi
  112. Mother Smalley
  113. Myrtle
  114. Mystic
  115. Nails
  116. Nipper Bubsby
  117. Nisse
  118. Nixon
  119. Not Again!
  120. Notebook
  121. Nyomah
  122. O’Toole
  123. Oatmeal (Otis)
  124. Oblomov
  125. Odor
  126. Oh NO!
  127. Okie Dokie
  128. Old Yeller
  129. Opal
  130. Orejas

More Inspired Male Cat Names

  1. Orson
  2. Oshi
  3. Pacia
  4. Pacino
  5. Paco
  6. Pandora
  7. Panthro
  8. Paris
  9. Prince
  10. Ron
  11. Sir
  12. Sir Coltrane
  13. Sir Elton John
  14. Sir Maxwell
  15. Sirus
  16. Skeezer
  17. Sneezy
  18. Snickerdoodle
  19. Sniffels
  20. Toomba
  21. Toopee
  22. Tooter
  23. Tori
  24. Toughie
  25. Toulouse
  26. Traggie
  27. Trap
  28. Travis
  29. Trevor
  30. Wallet
  31. Warner
  32. Warrior
  33. Way Cool
  34. Weasel
  35. Wolfface

Top Uncommon Names for Your Female Cat

  1. Airhead
  2. Airy
  3. Aja
  4. Archie
  5. Ari
  6. Ariel
  7. BabyGirlRiley
  8. Babyrella
  9. Banshee
  10. Baskerville
  11. Beasky
  12. Beatrice
  13. BL
  14. Blogger
  15. Blue
  16. Bo
  17. Bo-Bo
  18. Bock
  19. Bogie
  20. Bokkie
  21. Boku
  22. Bonanza
  23. Bonita
  24. Booboo
  25. Boodles
  26. Boogie
  27. Briggs
  28. Bristol
  29. Brooklynn
  30. Broom
  31. Buckles
  32. Bucky
  33. Buttons
  34. Cairo
  35. Calendar
  36. Calloway
  37. Capers
  38. Capone
  39. Cassidy
  40. Castle
  41. Catnip
  42. Catsups
  43. Charlie
  44. Chewie
  45. Chewy
  46. Chicanery
  47. Clementine
  48. Cleopatra
  49. Claudia
  50. Crimson Chin
  51. Crooks
  52. Cry Baby Jane
  53. Cryer
  54. Cyclone
  55. Cyril
  56. Dahnja
  57. Daisy Doodle
  58. Damio
  59. Dancer
  60. Daz
  61. Deanie Dumpling
  62. Debra
  63. Decker
  64. Diamond
  65. Diary
  66. Didi
  67. Effie
  68. El Nino
  69. Ellie
  70. Emperor
  71. Endo
  72. Eriatarka
  73. Espn
  74. Evergreen
  75. Everly
  76. Exit
  77. Expresso
  78. Fairway
  79. Freedom
  80. Frig
  81. Fry
  82. Fudge
  83. Fudgie
  84. Funguy
  85. Future
  86. Fuzzy Tips
  87. Gabby
  88. Gato
  89. Genevieve
  90. Genny
  91. Geordi
  92. Gertrude
  93. Gia
  94. Gidget
  95. Gimpie
  96. GinaRae
  97. Ginsberg
  98. Girlfriend
  99. Grits
  100. Gypsy
  101. Haruka
  102. Isis
  103. Ivy
  104. Ivy- Boo boo
  105. Jaclyn
  106. Journey
  107. Judy
  108. Juliette
  109. June
  110. June-Bug
  111. Kricket
  112. Kudzu (vine)
  113. Kylie
  114. Kyreeve
  115. Leighlah
  116. Libby
  117. Liberty
  118. Lickorish

More Female Names for Cats

  1. Lika
  2. L’il Bit
  3. Lilianna
  4. Linux
  5. Lizzie
  6. Lucky Sossidge
  7. Lucy
  8. Lucyfur
  9. LuLuBelle
  10. Luna
  11. Mab
  12. Maddie
  13. Madeleine
  14. Marple
  15. Mary Hellen Walton
  16. Maryann
  17. Marzapan or Marzi
  18. Matches
  19. Mavis
  20. Tunis
  21. Vegas
  22. Velvet
  23. Venus
  24. Vesta and Destiny
  25. Virginia
  26. Whisper
  27. Windy
  28. Wink
  29. Winkie
  30. Winslet
  31. Wizzie
  32. Woobie
  33. Xena
  34. Yuma
  35. Zara
  36. Zeta
  37. Zoe
  38. Zorah
  39. Zula
  40. Zu-Zu

Top Uncommon Names for Small Cats

  1. Cubbie
  2. Cubby
  3. Cupcake
  4. Little Bo Peep
  5. Little girl
  6. Little Jack
  7. Little Kitty
  8. Little Lion
  9. Little Loco
  10. Mancha
  11. Manchita
  12. Mandel
  13. Tiny Toes with a Ditty Dotty Nose
  14. Tippie
  15. Tipsy
  16. Tobygoodboy
  17. Toenails
  18. Tom Cat
  19. Tommyboy
  20. TomTom
  21. Tonka

Unique Names for Big Cats

  1. Andre
  2. Bettis
  3. Big Red
  4. Bruiser
  5. Godzilla
  6. Loki
  7. Mali Chito
  8. Pudgy

Uncommon Names for Cats from Movies and TV

  1. Astro
  2. Atticus
  3. Bam Bam
  4. Bambi
  5. Chauncy Gardener
  6. Colombo
  7. Dobbie
  8. Doc
  9. Godzooky
  10. Jed
  11. Kaelar
  12. Kryten
  13. Lilith
  14. Loki
  15. Nala
  16. Outlaw Josie Wales
  17. Pippin
  18. Spooky Mulder

Unique Cat Names Inspired by Star Wars

  1. Amidala
  2. Anakin
  3. Chewbacca
  4. Ewok
  5. Greedo
  6. Jar Jar
  7. Lando
  8. Maul
  9. Princess Leia
  10. Qui-Gon
  11. Windu

Top Uncommon Names for Cats With Black Fur

  1. Coffee
  2. LBC – Little black cat
  3. Midnight Snack
  4. Mr. Black
  5. Semetary
  6. Smoky

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